Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal technique placing tiny, sterile needles along meridians or pathways in the body to help assist that individual in healing themselves. These pathways can become blocked due to injury or improper lifestyle habits. These blockages can cause the body to be unbalanced from its natural hemostatic state. With
Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal technique placing tiny, sterile needles along meridians or pathways in the body to help assist that individual in healing themselves. These pathways can become blocked due to injury or improper lifestyle habits. These blockages can cause the body to be unbalanced from its natural hemostatic state. With proper placement of these needles, "qi" and "blood" are able to move freely reducing pain and relaxing the state of mind.
Chinese formulas are given to a patient based on patterns as well as the patient's overall constitution. Dr. Wilson uses ancient techniques including feeling the pulse, tongue diagnosis, and gathering other various signs and symptoms to prescribe the proper formula. The same formula is not necessarily given for the same diagnosis and is c
Chinese formulas are given to a patient based on patterns as well as the patient's overall constitution. Dr. Wilson uses ancient techniques including feeling the pulse, tongue diagnosis, and gathering other various signs and symptoms to prescribe the proper formula. The same formula is not necessarily given for the same diagnosis and is completely individual to the particular patient. There are also several different topical herbal plasters Dr. Wilson uses in her treatment to assist with acute injuries. These are perfect for sports injuries to help speed up the natural healing process.
Various treatment methods help assist the Acupuncture treatment to promote the proper flow of "qi" and "blood".
Fire cupping is a ancient technique allowing old stagnant blood rise to the surface of the skin so the body can create new blood to relieve pain, inflammation, and stress.
Gua Sha is a scraping technique using a jade tool that al
Various treatment methods help assist the Acupuncture treatment to promote the proper flow of "qi" and "blood".
Fire cupping is a ancient technique allowing old stagnant blood rise to the surface of the skin so the body can create new blood to relieve pain, inflammation, and stress.
Gua Sha is a scraping technique using a jade tool that also unblocks stuck blood allow free flow and reduction of pain.
Moxibustion is made from the chinese mugwort herb burned to move "qi" and warm the pathways. This is good for digestive issues, arthritis, joint pain, and much more.
E-stim is a machine hooked up to the Acupuncture needles used to help promote movement.
Welcome! Dr. Amanda Schultz is currently accepting new patients. Please email or text 775-750-7041 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Melissa Wilson is out on maternity leave at this time.